Villbrygg FJELL 750ml


A sparkling fresh non-alcoholic beverage based on wild lingonberries and rosemary foraged from the Norwegian mountains. The complexity of the drink makes it perfect for pairing with food. Excellent with game, grilled dishes and barbecue, and chocolate desserts.

How it’s made
Meticulously crafted by infusing each of the herbs individually to extract the right quality of the birch leaves, rosemary, and lemongrass, and then all ingredients g through a short fermentation to create structure and balance.

Water, lingonberry concentrate, raw sugar, lemongrass, rosemary, birch leaves, lactic acid, salt, carbonation

Nutrition Facts
Servings: 5, Serv. Size: 150ml/5.081 oz, Calories 28.5, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat. Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest. 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0.1g (4% DV), Total Carb. 78 (25% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Total Sugars 6.45g Protein

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A sparkling fresh non-alcoholic beverage based on wild lingonberries and rosemary foraged from the Norwegian mountains. The complexity of the drink makes it perfect for pairing with food. Excellent with game, grilled dishes and barbecue, and chocolate desserts.

How it’s made
Meticulously crafted by infusing each of the herbs individually to extract the right quality of the birch leaves, rosemary, and lemongrass, and then all ingredients g through a short fermentation to create structure and balance.

Water, lingonberry concentrate, raw sugar, lemongrass, rosemary, birch leaves, lactic acid, salt, carbonation

Nutrition Facts
Servings: 5, Serv. Size: 150ml/5.081 oz, Calories 28.5, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat. Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest. 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0.1g (4% DV), Total Carb. 78 (25% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Total Sugars 6.45g Protein

A sparkling fresh non-alcoholic beverage based on wild lingonberries and rosemary foraged from the Norwegian mountains. The complexity of the drink makes it perfect for pairing with food. Excellent with game, grilled dishes and barbecue, and chocolate desserts.

How it’s made
Meticulously crafted by infusing each of the herbs individually to extract the right quality of the birch leaves, rosemary, and lemongrass, and then all ingredients g through a short fermentation to create structure and balance.

Water, lingonberry concentrate, raw sugar, lemongrass, rosemary, birch leaves, lactic acid, salt, carbonation

Nutrition Facts
Servings: 5, Serv. Size: 150ml/5.081 oz, Calories 28.5, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat. Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest. 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0.1g (4% DV), Total Carb. 78 (25% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Total Sugars 6.45g Protein

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