Collaborations with Producers

Long, short, big, or small - We find the right size and shape.

& Planning

We help navigate the competitive landscape, find your niche, and make sure there is a demand to be met. Together we develop a strategic vision for your brand, and plan for how to best implement this in the short and long run.

& Sales

Together we craft a plan that addresses target audiences, channels of communication, and key messaging. We help implement the devised strategies by connecting with communities, retailers, on-premise, and influencers that matter, to build organic relationships and foster brand loyalty.

& Distribution

We offer support with navigating rules and regulations for prepping your product for the US market (FDA), and handle import and distribution locally or partner with distributers for bigger scale import and distribution.

We believe physical presence is key to properly test and position the product in the market, so we help represent your brand on site.

Planning for

The initial process and hard work it takes position your brand is a very insightful learning experience that will shape your brand for the future. We make sure to document, analyzing and prioritize these insights to shape a direction for future scaling on the US market.

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